
Humanitarians are often exposed to numerous operational difficulties, including working and living in challenging environments. Trygg provides humanitarians a technology-driven solution that places safety and communication at the forefront, allowing those on the ground to operate efficiently and securely. Whether it be in the Americas, the Middle East, Asia, or anywhere in between, Trygg’s tailored platform currently supports a wide range of NGOs – from large household names to smaller, community based organisations. We are aware that many of our NGO partners operate under significant budgetary restraints despite the essential services they deliver and we aim to ensure that Trygg is within the price-range of any NGO with staff in challenging environments.
Use Case
A prominent NGO operating in Iraq contacted Trygg in the hope of establishing a more robust safety and critical event management platform for their field staff. The client was interested in setting up multiple safety nets for their field staff, as well as implementing a new communication channel for their staff members.
Implementing Trygg
The implementation of Trygg into the operations of the NGO went smoothly. Our team extensively trained the staff on how to utilise Trygg’s multiple communication tools such as the MAS system and internal messaging function, as well as coaching the organisation on how to take advantage of Trygg’s numerous other functionalities when establishing a risk management protocol.
Shortly after the adoption of the Trygg platform, a major worldwide outage of all Meta services occurred. WhatsApp messenger, a popular platform for communication in the NGO sphere, was inaccessible for almost 24 hours. Using the Trygg platform, our client was able to communicate the outage with all staff using the MAS functionality, as well as set up private and group chats between safety managers and field staff using the Trygg application’s internal messaging system.
Despite the outage, the NGO was able to continue its work uninterrupted when other organisations faced stoppages due to the slowdown of communication. The client continues to utilise Trygg’s internal messaging system after the outage for all communication activities with staff in the field, citing that it aids in keeping work related communication organised and in one place.