
The mining sector is well aware of the challenges of managing a dispersed and fluid workforce, making Trygg’s platform an easy addition to their workforce management solution. By offering an enhanced travel management system focused around the facilitation of cohesive communication channels, with key safety protocols implemented throughout the system from beginning to end, Trygg has aided numerous organisations within the construction sector in enhancing their duty of care provision, workforce management, and operational management needs.
Use Case
An organisation working in the mining sector in the MENA region approached Trygg attempting to optimise the duty of care they have to their staff. The organisation was looking for a solution to better connect a widely dispersed workforce while providing crucial safety nets to their staff in cases of emergency.
Implementing Trygg
The organisation implemented Trygg at one of their widely dispersed site locations with the goal of facilitating better communication and enhancing site safety. The site’s manager was often out of the office and away from his web-based dashboard; however, he made use of Trygg’s management-level login for the Trygg mobile application which allowed him to continue to take advantage of the management dashboard’s crucial functionalities such as real-time incident reporting, internal messaging functions, and panic alarm push notifications.
Trygg’s technology resulted in being a crucial piece of the site’s safety and communication management systems. With a number of staff dispersed over a 7 mile radius work site, the site manager was able to send comprehensive reports and information via Trygg’s MAS functionality, specifically taking advantage of geospatially designated messaging groups to inform staff in specific areas of the site of relevant information.
In one instance late in the afternoon of a work day, the site manager was making rounds in one area of the site when a push notification came through his mobile phone alerting him that a staff member 5 miles away had activated his panic alarm. Acting quickly, the site manager sent an internal message using Trygg to his work group located in the immediate area where the panic alarm was activated. The staff member was quickly found and given the appropriate care.